In order to improve the current state of the farmers, the project will provide technical support to the existing agricultural cooperatives and agricultural holdings that intend to join and establish an agricultural cooperative (in accordance with the Law on Agricultural Cooperatives in Macedonia).
All agricultural cooperatives and agricultural holdings that meet the criteria will have the opportunity to express an interest in a public call, thus engaging in the selection process and obtaining potential technical and financial support.


  1. Opportunities for Existing Agricultural Cooperatives

Existing agricultural cooperatives willing to expand their membership and develop their cooperatives will be involved in a multi-phase technical support process. The first step of this process is applying for a call to express interest. On the basis of the received applications, a selection commission according to the criteria stated in the call for expressions of interest will select 24 existing agricultural cooperatives that will participate in the training for business plan development. By completing the training, participants are expected to have a working version of their business plans that will complete them within a certain time frame. On the basis of the business plans that will be submitted, field visits will be carried out to determine the actual situation and feasibility of business plans. Further, a narrower circle of 16 co-operatives will pre-selected and continue in the next phase in which experts will help candidates to improve their business plans and various trainings to improve management and organizational setup, finding technology solutions, establishing market contacts and so on. After the end of this period, 16 business plans will be submitted out of which 8 cooperatives will be selected to sign technical and financial support contracts (grants). The process does not stop here, mentoring and training will continue to be in order to achieve the expected results of the business plan. The scope and type of training and mentoring will depend on the needs of selected co-operatives themselves. In the implementation of the activities foreseen in the business plans, the project team will monitor the overall process and achievements of the cooperatives through various instruments.


  1. Opportunities for agricultural holdings that intend to establish an agricultural cooperative

Agricultural holdings intending to establish an agricultural cooperative will be involved in a multi-phase technical support process. The first step of this process is applying for a call to express interest. On the basis of the received applications, the election commission according to the criteria stated in the call for expression of interest will select up to 30 agricultural holdings, which will be given support and advice for proper registration of agricultural cooperatives as well as trainings for developing a business plan. By completing the training, participants are expected to have a working version of their business plans that will complete them within a certain time frame. On the basis of the business plans that will be submitted, field visits will be carried out to determine the actual situation and feasibility of business plans. Furthermore, a shortlist of 20 agricultural holdings will continue in the next phase in which mentors will be assigned to help the candidates to improve their business plans with various training sessions to improve management and organizational setup, find technological solutions, establishment of market contacts, etc. After the end of this period, 20 business plans will be submitted out of which 12 newly established cooperatives will be selected based on pre-defined criteria for signing technical and financial support contracts (grants). The process does not stop here, mentoring and training will continue in order expected results to be achieved. The scope and type of training and mentoring will depend on the needs of selected co-operatives themselves. In the implementation of the activities foreseen in the business plans, the project team will monitor the overall process and achievements of the cooperatives through various instruments.